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Event Attendee Conduct and Expectations:



Central Iowa Fur Group events will welcome all ages unless a specific event states otherwise. Any minors interested in attending the event should speak with their parent/guardian before signing up.


Signing up on the spread sheet for any event is not mandatory but highly appreciated. This gives us an idea of how many people to expect when making reservations. If you sign up, you will be added to the headcount. If you are unable to make it at any point you are welcome to remove your name from the spreadsheet.


Personal Grievances

Everyone is welcome, if you feel someone in attendance should not be taking part or that there is someone that should not be welcomed to an event please contact us using this form. Keep in mind, however, that unless there are legal issues involved the Central Iowa Fur Group cannot justifiably deny a particular person access to the meet. Everyone is judged based on their behavior in communication towards the staff or while attending a meet.




Attendees are expected to behave in a civilized manner with respect to all those around them-both their fellow attendees and non-attendees. Offensive and obscene behavior will be taken seriously and the offender(s) may be asked to leave. The Central Iowa Fur Group seeks to develop a good relationship with the venues that host us and the people we come in contact with.


Central Iowa Fur Group reserves the right to refuse or deny any person to take part with the group and will if need be request the venue to ask them to leave.



Fursuiting is only allowed at the locations stated in the information about each meet, please avoid wearing masks in any other locations as some of those locations have a policy prohibiting any sort of item that cover's a persons face.


No one is required to have a fursuit to attend or join in on any part of the event.


Respect any fursuiters that may attend an event, fursuits are expensive and/or projects that individuals put a lot of heart and time into, avoid any accidents with drink or food. Fursuiters may leave privately to relax and cool down, please respect an individual who needs to do so. Unless otherwise noted by an individual do not take any pictures of fursuiters without their heads, its consider disrespectful.



Art Related

Artists are welcome to bring their artistic untensils and sketchbooks. Any agreement made regarding art for profit or otherwise that is not acknowledged by the Central Iowa Fur Group is between the artist and the individual receiving art. It is not a responsibility of the staff to ensure artistic agreements are met.


Valuables and Lost items

Individuals are are welcome to bring their hand held games and other things for activity and sharing. Keep in mind that individuals bring valuables to the meet is of their own volition and the Central Iowa Fur Group is not responsible for lost merchandise. In light of any proof that an individual in attendance to an event stole an item from another it is a violation of the attendee conduct and the individual will not be welcome to another event.



Conduct and expectations written 1/31/14 and is subject to any changes at any time without notice. 






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