Central Iowa Fur Group
Here you will find a complete list of furry conventions all over the world. The size of the convention doesn't matter so long as the convention is intending to host its first event or has had an event the previous year.
Conventions are the main events of the year where furries gather to hang with friends and have fun. Interested in attending one? A fellow Iowa fur might be going or might be willing to go with you to share the expenses! By sharing expenses it makes it more affordable for each person to attend.
We can use our Discussion page or our Facebook page to discuss conventions.
If there is an event you don't see here let us know!
Anthrcon - Pittsburgh, PA
Arizona Fur Con - Phoenix, AZ
Biggest Little Fur Con - Reno, NV
Califur - Irvine, CA
Eurofurence - Berlin, Germany
FA: United! - Whippany, NJ
Furlandia - Portland, OR
Furlaxation - Columbus, OH
Furnal Equinox - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Furry Migration - Bloomington, MN
Furry Weekend Atlanta - Atlanta, GA
Fur Squared - Brookfield, WI
Fur The 'More - Baltimore, MD
Further Confusion - San Jose, CA
Indy Fur Con - Indianapolis, IN
Mephit Furmeet - Olive Branch, MS
Midwest Furfest - Rosemont, IL
Morphicon - Columbus, OH
Oklacon - Watonga, OK
Rainfurrest - Seattle, WA
Rocky Mountain Fur Con - Denver, CO
Texas Furry Fiesta - Dallas, TX